


Featuring faceted Carnelian, Brass divider beads and an AUM pendant.

CARNELIAN is a gem that corresponds with, and stimulates, the Mooladhara (Root/Base), Swadhisthana (Sacral), and mainly Manipura (Solar Plexus/Navel) chakras (energy vortexes). It is used to infuse courage, vitality, confidence and facilitates manifestation. It is a gem that helps one stay on one's path, or take confident steps to do so. It helps one take a leap of faith. It is a gem that can improve decision-making, by bringing confidence and trust. It helps one take action, and co-create one's 'reality' through manifestation. It increases the flow if prana, thus bringing vitality and fortifying the physical body. It is a gem that helps us take care of the body and honor it as the temple of spirit, and it further helps detoxify the physical body. Carnelian holds the fire element (Agni) and helps burn impurities (on multiple levels), and thus brings increased vitality, confidence and strength.

BRASS has been used in spiritual and metaphysical traditions for its capacity of bringing out one's inner essence. It is a metal that facilitates the clearing of old debris and observe the essence of Truth. It is a metal that is composed of Copper and Zinc, which stimulates the flow of energy and thus improving vitality and strength. The small Brass beads on this piece are used as dividers and are not part of the japa count.

AUM is a sanskrit symbol (aka OM) that has profound meaning, to say the least. It points to the sacred sound of the universe - and/as it represents the four 'states' of the atman, the alternating levels of relative consciousness. A is the waking state, U is the dream state, M is the deep sleep state. The Silence that follows (and in which the AUM takes place) is the fourth 'state' (Turiya avastha, or Turiyatita, as Ramana Maharshi often referred to it), that holds all other states. This fourth 'state' is the underlying reality that always is. While the previous three states come and go, the Absolute/Consciousness/Awareness remains. In short, AUM describes the different forms of Brahman/Existence; the alternating expressions of consciousness. It points toward the three ever-changing states and the fourth, the all-encompassing Existence, which holds it all. It is inviting recognition, remembering this Truth. Turiyatita means 'transcending the fourth' and points us to the fact that there are not really four states, but only one real transcendental state/supreme reality. The jnani (one who has realized the Self) is established in Turiya and detachedly witnesses the three other states (walking, dreaming and dreamless sleep) as pictures superimposed on it. The message is: stay as the witness. Om

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