gemstone magic
The properties of each gemstone are many, and different sources name different things, but here we have presented information that
we were intuitively drawn to in the context of our work. The colors may differ from the images you see below, since each gemstone is fascinatingly unique, but this gives you a glimpse into the gemstone kingdom. * We are happy to custom make No Mind Malas to fit your personal needs, to help boost and balance your being on multiple levels. Please email for more info.
agate (blue lace)
This gem helps us connect our communication with higher guidance, assisting us to speak our heart and mind in a way so that it is fully heard by others. It is a gemstone that helps us clear and open up the energy center of the throat (vishuddhi chakra), facilitating the expression of our thoughts, beliefs and truth. On a spiritual level, it helps us see how our words create our reality. On an emotional level, it is a centering and calming stone. Affirmations: I communicate my ideas with clarity, conviction and irresistible eloquence.
agate (moss)
Moss Agate aids the wearer ground back into connection with Mother Earth and to dance along the nature spirits. It is a gem that brings stability, and facilitates manifestation through its grounding properties. It is also an abundance stone. It is a balancing gem that aids in letting go of what doesn't serve us any more, in terms of karmic attachments, and it helps one hold ones inner vision clear until it is manifested. It is a stone that brings peace and stability, and can lessen the strength of emotional drama and mood swings. It can also improve determination and persistence. It further strengthens the etheric body and sharpens ones perceptions.
agate (white)
The White Agate balances yin and yang energies (on multiple levels; emotionally, physically, mentally and spiritually), lends hope, and provides gentle yet powerful strength. It is protective and harmonizing, brings acceptance and lessens resistance. It is a subtle yet potent healing ally, due to its powers of rebalancing all aspects of being.
This is a gem that aids the expression of truth and improves ones connection to Source. It is useful when improving ones energetic boundaries (on a physical, energetic and emotional level) and can be used as a tool to strengthen the integrity of the throat chakra, related to communication and expression of one's true and innate Self. It is a stone of harmony, within oneself and with others. It helps one to ‘walk one’s talk’. It facilitates communication without too much emotion involved, thus serving the peacemaker. It awakens compassion as it stimulates the heart chakra. Amazonite helps us manifest our dreams, as it serves as a magnifier of our intentions. It further promotes us to use affirmations (said out loud as it works through the throat chakra) in our manifestation process. It can help alleviate fear of expressing our thoughts and feelings, and to put the fear of conflict into perspective. Amazonite is also an amazing ally to point out how our use of words have brought us our current reality, and helps us move forward with a more conscious use of thoughts, words and actions. For those who are yet unfamiliar with their truth, core beliefs or values, this gem can bring more clarity about ones gifts and knowledge. Amazonite can facilitate the creation of one’s own nurturing space, where self-knowledge can be pursued peacefully and fearlessly. This is a gem that helps us integrate the lessons of integrity and truth, while at the same time fostering healthy relationships free of judgment - relationships based on integrity, truth, spaciousness, honesty and compassion.
We use this beautiful gem for spiritual guidance, connection and enhanced awareness, thus brining confidence and trust in the day-to-day life by feeling supported on all levels. It is a gem that helps release old habitual patterns (thought patterns, emotional patterns, behavioral patterns etc), and can serve when dealing with attachments of all sorts - addictions as well as attachments. It is a gem that provides tranquility and calmness, through its sweet sense of support. It is a highly protective stone that synthesizes and enhances higher states of consciousness. It has healing and cleansing powers. It improves memory and motivation. It is a stone that brings spiritual insights and helps one to apply them in life. It is one of the most commonly used stones for spiritual connection and guidance. It enhances love for the Divine and encourages selflessness. It tunes the endocrine system and metabolism...among MANY other things.
apatite (blue)
Blue Apatite can be used for psychic activation, vision across dimensions, access to divine knowledge. This gem cleanses the auric field, especially the mental body, and improves ones perceptions. It can further be a helpful stone when doing dream work. It is a gem that can bring great insight, since it helps us to see multiple levels of consciousness operating harmoniously and simultaneously. It brings 'aha-moments' through such seeing, and thus provides inspiration. Apatite is a beautiful gem that brings a higher perspective, and give us access to latent pieces if the puzzle in terms of our understanding of the illusion. This gem is a wind element stone, stimulating the third eye and enhances inner vision, and can lend access to the Akashic records, which is helpful when looking at soul and karmic patterns. It is a stone that brings understanding, positive vibes and is uplifting. On a physical level, Apatite can be used to improve eyesight and vertigo.
This gem is all about enhancement of clear communication and expression aligned with one’s own truth. It correlates to the heart (anahata) and throat (vishuddhi) chakra (energy centers). It is a cleansing agent for the emotional body. It stimulates energy flow and communication from the heart. It is a stone of release, facilitating releasing old patterns and attachments. It can help us see where we are holding on to emotions or not allowing ourselves to go with the flow, as well as help us release limiting thoughts. This gem holds deeply cleansing energy, and helps one move through transitions and change with ease and grace, removing resistance and/or fear of the unknown, while inspiring a calm certainty.
aventurine (green)
Green Aventurine is a gem that brings optimism and zest for life. It helps one to meet challenges with acceptance and to move through ups and downs smoothly. It helps one to look at the bright side of difficult issues and it instills life force if the energy is low. It can be a stone of good luck and manifestation. It supports emotional and physical healing. 'Its essence is that of spring bursting forth after a long dark winter'. It helps to release old patterns, brings forth renewal on all levels, so that movement and growth can take place. It brings hope and joy and can serve as an emotional anchor through periods of change. It is a gem that helps one stay rooted in the heart. Green Aventurine reminds us of the law of impermanence, and helps release attachments to one’s creations or experiences, and to see opportunities for grown in a new direction. It fosters optimism and deep appreciation for the myriad experiences life offers. It is a gem that helps one clear the energetic systems and stimulates new growth and understanding.
aventurine (peach)
Peach Aventurine is used for increased energy flow through the sacral chakra (Swadhisthana Chakra), improved decision making and increased creativity. It boosts self worth and is empowering in many ways. It is also a stone for patience.
This gem is used for courage, strength, vitality and purification. It gives great support and courage during times of adversity, and lends strength to the physical body. It helps bringing ones subtle energies into wholeness and balance. It facilitates taking right action and fulfilling ones commitments when facing obstacles. It is a stone for stamina through perceived obstacles. It provides emotional support by helping one find the courage to follow one's heart and take action based upon what one knows in one's heart to be true. It is the stone of the spiritual warrior, as it helps one stay on one's path when one feels alienated or faced with discouragement or resistance. It is an excellent stone for those going through tremendous change in their lives due to spiritual awakening. It helps one find one's own inner strength, through strengthening one's connection with the Divine. On a physical level, Bloodstone is very useful for the blood, as it purifies and cleanses, strengthens and fortifies. It further helps maintain a healthy PH level within the body and thus creates a supportive environment for optimum health. It can help balance female hormonal imbalances, as it also stabilizes hormones and supports the endocrine system.
calcite (honey/yellow)
This is a gem that enhances ones will and self-confidence. It has a sweet, subtle, vibrant energy and can infuse one with a sense of new hope and optimism to face the future. It helps counteracting pessimism, sarcasm, and being overly analytical. It can also help if one holds anger, since it brings in Divine Love and compassion. Honey/Yellow Calcite is most often associated with the Solar Plexus Chakra, but it can also have powerful effects on the third eye chakra (Ajna Chakra), in terms of intellect, psychic abilities and intuition. It is a gemstone that brings self-esteem and improves accuracy of one's inner vision. Calcite is a powerful energy amplifier and cleanser. The purifying energy of Calcite clears stagnant negative energy from one's surroundings and ones body. It is a gemstone that can clear out old energy patterns, stimulating one to take new directions in life. It has the ability to ‘teach old dogs new tricks’ and gives one faith and determination to break old ways and undertake exciting new directions. It increases personal motivation and drive. Calcite can show you a new way to look at a situation, easing you away from old outdated thought patterns that may be in the way of new ideas. It is used to remove blockages preventing one from perceiving one’s full abundance, and fosters an attitude of gratitude.
calcite (pink)
This is a stone of wellbeing, wholeness, empathy and connection with the heart. It deals with acceptance, by strengthening ones connection and relationship with the fullness of all that is. It is a harmonizing stone that subtly enhances one’s auric field. It corresponds to the heart on many levels, energetically as well as emotionally and physically. It is a perfect stone to assist in the clearing of energetic patterns, especially those concerning the heart. It helps clear blockages, as well as stimulates emotional expression.
Carnelian brings a sense of grounding and is an anchoring gemstone. It strengthens motivation and brings about creativity, by boosting our energy. It restores vitality and clarifies perception. It is also a gemstone that protects the wearer from negative energies. It provides courage, confidence and trust. It also empowers one to make decisions, take leaps when needed, and to develop the confidence to stay on one's path and staying true to oneself. It helps one take action, guided by Divine will. It vitalizes the physical body as it enhances the flow of prana throughout. It strengthens our connection to Great Spirit / Source since it helps us purify and sanctify the body as a temple of the Spirit. It further increases strength, on multiple levels, and can facilitate overcoming fears, as it provides trust and confidence.
This is a gem of empowerment of the feminine energies within ones being. It stimulates vishuddhi (throat) and anahata (heart) chakras. It stimulates the throat and promotes the expression of one’s innate wisdom, as well as it harmonizes and balances the heart. It is a stone that lends gentleness and power. It helps us tune into Goddess energies in and around us, and it inspires expression of the sacred. In short, Chrysocolla governs the flow of energy and communication. It is considered a ‘teaching stone”, as it encourages us to speak our truth and knowledge, share with others and open up the channel of exchange. Chrysocolla helps us share through words, as well as through our presence. As much as it motivates us to verbally to share what we know, it fosters a communication based on our heart’s voice and truth. This gemstone is soothing and calming, and helps us see how our words and energies affect situations and people around us, and thus shows us how to use our energy in beneficial and peaceful ways. Chrysocolla facilitates all aspects of sound healing. ‘Its energy teaches us how sound affects our physical reality and how we can change that reality by adjusting the way we use our words. It also helps us owning our experiences, knowledge and contribution, and releases fear of speaking our truth in highly charged emotional situations. It helps us see imbalances in communication and by lending the insights it empowers us to use our words more wisely. It further balances the physical body, by releasing stress, anxiety, and fear based imbalances in the body. This gem supports the thyroid and the adrenals, as well as the larynx.
Message: ‘One can speak and say nothing, or remain silent and speak volumes. ‘
Affirmation: ‘I listen deeply to the voice within and express it with freedom, spontaneity, passion and reverence.
This is a stone of the heart, with strong healing energy and connection to Nature spirits. Chrysoprase helps one stay centered in the heart at all times, providing courage to face difficult situations and to hold a steadfast resolve and truth-centered compassion. It helps us look back at situations in life through a lens of compassion and lends a profound sense of forgiveness. Chrysoprase also connects one to the solar plexus chakra which governs the will, hence it marries ones will with ones heart. This gem carries an energy of growth and ripening promise, as it lends hope and reminds us of our constant connection to the source of All-That-Is. Chrysoprase heals feelings of separation and isolation as it helps us see the interconnectedness with all of creation. This gem is also used to attract love and prosperity, as it prepares the heart to receive and helps clear old emotional patterns that block our ability to receive. It helps us both feel and express love, and helps us move beyond fear based emotions and patterns. It is called a ‘stone of youth’, as it supports healing and regeneration, maintaining a youthful spirit and outlook.
Citrine carries the energy of the Sun, and is thus used to strengthen your being with the energy of the Sun. It helps boosting and energizing, helps us overcome difficulties, and it brings creativity and joy. It is a powerful regenerator and cleanser. It cleanses and aligns the subtle bodies with the physical body. It is the stone of abundance, happiness, generosity, self-esteem and self-confidence, self-expression, motivation, and optimism, among other things. It releases fears and promotes inner calm so wisdom and beauty can emerge. It is a stone that awakens the higher mind, aligning you with the life-giving energy of Father Sun. It is one of the foremost allies in the process of manifestation, helping us increase our ability to bring energy into form. It is a stone that connects us to the Divine Will, and thus deepening our connection to love and joy.
dragon stone
This gem increases vitality and strength, due to its enhancement of prana. It protects the aura and enhances ones defenses towards negative energies. It calls forth the strengths of love, forgiveness and compassion, the energies needed to tame the inner dragon. It is a gem that balances yin/yang energies, brings courage and keeps one's spirits up. It is a physical heart healer, and grounds spiritual energy through the heart. It helps to reset the physical and etheric bodies, helps one regain resonance, thus improving health and emotional wellbeing. This is a gem that encourages fierceness and loyalty to one's heart's voice, and offers strength and persistence to incorporate new healthy habits. It further improves self-confidence, strengthens will and open expression.
This gem brings decisiveness, it clears ones energy field and aura, and brings clarity. It is a gemstone that brings cohesiveness and it makes discordant energies harmonic. It clears mental fog, confusion and cluttered thoughts, and thus balances the mental activity. It can facilitate the enhancement of mental and psychic abilities, by balancing the left and right hemispheres of the brain. Fluorite is a stone that supports positive thoughts and a balanced mind. It aids in finding direction, taking steps on that path, and also implementing what is needed. Fluorite is known for making order out of chaos. It can facilitate changing one's etheric blueprint and access higher levels of one's energy field.
fluorite (purple)
In addition to the description above, purple Fluorite strengthens the connection with the Universal Consciousness and provides intuitive guidance.
This is a stone of emotional healing and self-worth. It reflects the Light of the heart and helps one receive abundance on an emotional level. It facilitates both receiving and radiate Love, and it helps open the heart to the energy of Love. It is a gem that alleviates feelings of unworthiness that may block ones ability to receive love, abundance etc. It lends comfort and support, and helps one be more loving and considerate towards self and others. It also assists one in owning one’s gifts and abilities - and in sharing them with others. It strengthens ones confidence, helps one to ‘lighten up’ and to be open and receptive to all aspects of the journey of life. Garnet is a stone that helps one recall and fulfill one’s life purpose, and take the appropriate steps on one’s path. It is soothing and healing for the emotional body, encourages self-respect and self-love, and can help release emotional patterns blocking one from receiving divine support and love. Affirmation: My body, emotions, and spirit are aligned and working for my highest good.
Howlite is calming and relieves anxiety, tension and intense emotions. It can be very efficient to help overcome insomnia caused by racing thoughts. Howlite calms anger and encourages calm communication. It also helps you become aware of your goals and ambitions and to aid you in achieving them. It encourages patience and promotes selflessness.
jade (african)
African Jade has a strengthening and calming effect on the heart with respect to blood pressure and pulse, and on the physical level it speeds up the recovery and healing of bruises, scares etc. by speeding up the clotting process of the blood. On a mental level, this stone alleviates nervousness and offers balance to people in constant hectic situations and with high level of responsibility. This gem is useful in opening the heart chakra, as it brings balance and acceptance to the wearer.
jade (olive)
Olive Jade combines the green rays of growth with the yellow rays of pure sunshine, a time of development, strength and maturity. It enhances our receptiveness to new meanings and ideas, and lights the path to wisdom and understanding. It is a talisman of the search for knowledge and enlightenment. It is excellent for achieving goals that need deep constancy and long-term purpose - not wild, exuberant growth, but the slow, steady development and deep caring of a life's calling. Lighter Green jade crystals promote spiritual growth and renewed commitment to a higher purpose.
jade (purple/plum)
Purple (plum) Jade, in shades of light to dark violet, is a stone of discernment. Its frequency speaks of spiritual knowledge and the ability to use that information to decide what is most aligned with one's personal path. It aids purification of one's aura and dispels negative attitudes that hold one back from experiencing a spontaneous joy of life. It helps one to lighten up and to relax into the flow of life. It helps one let go of self-imposed limitations and helps one to stay in the awareness of the abundance we are constantly receiving from the Universe. Purple or plum jade helps open one's crown and third eye chakra, enhancing dreams, visions and extrasensory perception. Its helps one to stay on ones spiritual path and it helps you discern what is aligned to your own truth. It is a gemstone that can help bring you to your most aligned spiritual guide(s) or teacher(s). It also provides energetic protection, as well as soothes the nervous system, allowing for expansion and grounding simultaneously.
jade (white)
On a physical level, White Jade helps the body to heal itself. It eases arthritis pain and other joint illnesses, especially in the hips. It helps with fluid retention, high blood pressure and imbalances in blood sugar levels. On the emotional level, it is a calming and grounding gem that protects the wearer from negative energies. It brings peace and balance. It is also useful for the decision-making process, as it blocks distractions, allowing for the best results to reveal themselves. It helps us to connect to higher vibrational energies, increasing our insight and helping us to act intuitively.
jasper (dalmatian)
Dalmatian Jasper infuses childlike joy and curiosity. It is a stone that brings trust and protects from nightmares, depression and negative thinking. It is a healing gem that is deeply nurturing and calming, and at the same time brings a sense of relaxation infused with joy.
jasper (fancy)
Fancy Jasper is a gem that grounds excessive wind energy. It is calming and focuses the mind, organizes and ground mental activities to become more efficient. It brings discipline and perseverance, and can help attending to mundane tasks with efficiency and humor. It is a motivational gem that helps one to deal with whatever is at hand, as it is. Its grounding effects helps calm worry and fear, especially when caused by cloudy thinking or an overactive mind. It can prevent that one becomes caught up in the future or past, and rather facilitating staying in the Now. Its calming properties can be useful to improve ones sleep. Fancy Jasper facilitates slow and steady healing. It is a loyal healing ally that supports a gradual healing process, and that resonates with all chakras, thus bringing balance in a wholesome way.
jasper (impression)
Impression Jasper provides tranquility and works as an aid in terms of unification and harmony, in all aspects of life. It absorbs negative energy, balances yin and yang energies, and is overall helpful in aligning all chakras (energy centers) as well as body, mind and spirit. It can be energizing and encouraging, it heals the nervous system, and lends positivity, hope and trust. It calms nervousness and aids in keeping a peaceful heart. It is soothing and calming, providing emotional stability and self-confidence, which in turn positively affects abundance, in all aspects of life.
jasper (mookaite)
This is a stone that reminds us of the ageless spirit. It is a stone that helps us stay young at heart, and maintain a vibrant physical vehicle by raising our vibration. This gem access deeper aspects of the mind and genetic memory. It helps us learn ancestral lessons and helps us clear unhealthy patterns from the genetic code, so that the next generations don’t have to repeat the same patterns. It is an excellent stone for pregnant parents, as it facilitates intuitive communication with the unborn child. It supports the clearing of unhealthy patterns from the genetic code. In short, Mook Jasper helps us maintain an ageless mind and body by raising the vibration of the physical vehicle. It helps us perceive and understand emotional and behavioral patterns handed down through ancestors and supports the release of those patterns. It assists the process of pregnancy, reproduction and the regeneration of the physical body, and it counters the effects of aging. Affirmation: I awaken my genetic inheritance and my capacities to feel and flow with the knowing that comes directly from Nature.
jasper (picture)
Picture Jasper is used as a tool for reconnecting with Mother Gaia. It is a grounding and harmonizing gem that acts as 'the third eye of the Earth', allowing one access to ancient wisdom held within the mineral kingdom and the Earth consciousness. It is a stone that can provide a sense of who you are, where you've been and where you are going. It is a stone that also can facilitate connection with wisdom from ancient civilizations. It is said to encourage creative visualization, creativity and business pursuits, as well as alleviating fear. It is stimulates the immune system, clears pollutants and toxins from the physical body, and aids bone growth.
jasper (red)
Physical strength and vitality, stabilization of ones energies - this gemstone opens the base chakra (energy center) and stimulates the energetic kundalini energy that resides at the base of the spine. It facilitates the rise of this serpent energy, by activating, clearing and strengthening each of the energy centers along the spine. Its frequency awakens this energy and helps the life force energy rise through the body. It can help activate creative energy and help manifest creative ideas. It can also help one to continue working on a project after it has lost its original excitement. It helps bringing discipline and self-mastery if one is scattered in terms of focus. This is also a stone that brings physical strength and energy and is wonderful support if one is weakened due to illness. It can also help generate muscle tissue. Affirmation: My physical vitality, emotional balance and personal integrity and enjoyment of life grow even stronger.
jasper (tigerskin)
This gem helps us experience life right now, like the tiger - in the moment, not thinking about or analyzing things in the future. It takes us out of our heads and back into our bodies and into the experience of Now (a.k.a. Gold Leaf Agate).
jasper (unakite)
Healing, balance, release of bad habits, higher attunement, patient persistence - this gemstone helps heal dis-ease brought about by suppressed emotions. It helps balance the physical and the emotional aspects of the heart. This stone helps one recognize repressed emotions and also to see where such emotions are held in the body (how it is putting stress on the body). It can bring about real emotional release. This emotional release is not just the expression of repressed emotions, but a process of truly letting go of the thoughts and habits that perpetuate these emotional frequences. It helps one bounce back from sorrow, grief and disappointment and raise the vibration of body and mind. It truly release negative emotions and the habitual thoughts and inner dialogue that create them. It brings harmony by helping one shed emotional patterns that are not serving any more. Physically it helps treat cancers and helps promote growth of healthy tissue and thus facilitating recovery. Affirmation: I navigate the process of healing and awakening to higher consciousness with patience and faith, moving always, step by step, towards my highest good.
This gem serves to build energetic bridges and provide connection, as well as helps one find a harmonious whole. It heightens the senses and refines them, as well as serves as an energetic transmitter. It helps us listen to intuitive guidance and it builds bridges between our inner and outer selves.
Labradorite is a stone of magic as it awakens the awareness of one’s innate magical powers. This magic relates to mental, intuitive and psychic abilities, as well as receptivity to synchronicity. It is an inter-dimensional stone that helps one pierce the veil between the waking world, the many domains and the planes of inner awareness. It is a perfect stone for those willing to embark upon the multitude of voyages of self-discovery. This gem helps one disconnect any tendencies to attempt to control others, or situations, while it strengthens the knowledge that self-mastery is the path of true fulfillment. This gem helps us recognize the many layers of reality and it activates one’s inner eye, thus allowing for more clarity – on many levels. It aids in uncovering unconscious and subconscious belief patterns that generate certain emotions, and it brings clarity and resolve. This stone helps us move through unseen realms while purifying one’s energies in the Light. It points out the unity behind the apparent duality, and can help us see the continuum and interconnectedness that expresses itself through polarities. Labradorite creates a force field throughout the aura, protecting and strengthening the energies within, and also preventing our energies to be drained by others. This is a gem that points us to our inner selves and our higher guides. When there is harmony within us, and with our surroundings – when there is resonance between the mundane and spiritual dimensions of being, we can tap into our divine purpose. This gem connects us to our divine purpose as it pierces the void, thus bring us into direct contact with the potential and possibilities that are held at the source.
lapis lazuli
This gem activates the higher mind, enhances intuition and receiving higher guidance. Traditionally it is used to help one connect with the Gods and invoking Divine inspiration. It helps stimulate one’s desire for knowledge and understanding, and is a stone for the seeker. It helps one learn effectively and enhances memory. It helps one tap into universal knowledge – and it is a stone of Self-knowledge. It facilitates reflection on Self and expands one’s awareness beyond a mundane mind. It helps one see one’s motivations and beliefs, and gives a clearer perspective on one’s life and creations. It helps one identify one’s gifts and abilities, as well as one’s limitations and opportunities for growth. It helps one to see limitations, habits and patterns (on all levels of - physical, mental, emotional and spiritual), which may be blocking one’s full potential. Affirmation: I claim the sovereignty and power of my highest self, and I align myself with my highest truth.
This is a calming stone that helps balancing on many levels, from physical stress to nerve related imbalances manifesting as mental stress. It is helpful during periods of transition and brings awareness to old patterns and changes that need to happen in order to move forward. It assists through the transitions with optimism, thus allowing for smooth changes. It promotes awareness and emotional balance, lifts depression and lower thought forms, helping us to accept that where we are exactly where we are supposed to be. It promotes honesty and openness and can help locate energy blockages. It can be helpful for insomnia, since it is such a calming stone. It is often called the Grandmother Stone, providing calmness, comfort and trust.
This gem is used to facilitate tuning into higher frequencies and awareness. Magnesite stimulates the third eye and crown chakra, and assists the alignment with Truth. It is a stone that helps balance emotions and raise ones consciousness. It is a stone that promotes hemispheric synchronization in the brain and thus enhances brain function. It also activates ones psychic senses, and thus makes the wearer more receptive to subtle and higher frequencies, including guidance from other realms. It is a great emotional healer as it helps the physical and emotional body to relax and release. It comes with the potent message of ‘letting go and letting God’. It is an excellent stone that helps one let go of the sense of control or excessive stress, and to relax into what is. Once we relax into what is, that is when Magnesite works its magic, by having opened us up to the possibility of transcendent experiences. This is a gem that brings fluidity, ease and joy.
This is the stone of enlightened leadership, creativity, confidence and a healthy heart. It provides strong protection against negative energies and permeates the auric field with positive vibrations, and helps keep the auric field intact. It helps keep emotional balance (by also helping us not take on emotional baggage of others) and is soothing to both the heart muscle and the etheric heart center. It enhances our willpower, helps us refrain from temptations and serves our higher good. It is a stone that instills confidence and self-responsability, it helps us take action and manifest our thoughts and ideas in the physical. It helps align our personal and the Divine will. Malachite a gemstone that carries the frequency of the enlightened leader, assisting those in positions of responsibility to carry out the Divine will, and helps one step up and take confident action. It also helps one stay true to oneself and one's direction, facilitating self-expression. It is a gem that helps remind us that we are co-creators of this world and that the possibilities for our creations are endless. It is a gem that can help us break through barriers, limitations and apathy, by opening up the individual to the limitless potential of the Divine will. It is a stone that reveals our energetic and emotional boundaries, and helps honor those boundaries of ourselves and of others.
moonstone (rainbow)
This is a stone of mystery, self-discovery, intuition, and calling upon the divine feminine within. It helps clear ones energetic field and stimulates the higher chakras. This gem puts one in close connection with the Moon, and its rhythm flowing gracefully between pull and release. Moonstone encourages us to pay attention to the cycles of our lives, and draw wisdom, understanding and self-knowledge from the experiences. It is a gem that asks us to celebrate the milestones and rites of passage each new cycle brings. This gem evokes patience and appropriate action, asking us to be receptive to the Divine timing, and to nurture each stage properly. This gem opens us to higher guidance, and supports the surrender to the natural progress of the cycles of life. This gem helps us attune to the ebb and flow of the moon’s energy. If one is already sensitive to the lunar cycles and the powers of the moon, use this gem sparingly.
moonstone (peach)
The Peach Moonstone provides gentle and loving energy, supporting the heart while stimulating the mind. It helps us see the positive, loving existence of the Divine in all situations. It soothes worry and anxiety and helps us celebrate the positive aspects of one’s life. It brings soothing energy for the emotional body of intuitive and sensitive beings.
Onyx enhances endurance and persistence, providing inner strength and willpower. It is a stone of self-mastery, discipline and focused attention. It is emotionally neutral and stimulates Mooladhara (root), Manipura (solar plexus) and Ajna (third eye) chakras. It is a grounding gem and connects one to the electromagnetic field of the Earth, which is its element.
Prehnite helps renew one's chi, strengthens and stabilizes the flow of vital energy. It aids with connection to all of creation, and is a grounding gem. It can help cool and ground excessive nervous energy, restlessness and worry, as it brings peace and calm. It is a heart stone, on all levels, and can work as an emotional soap. On a physical level, in short, it helps remove toxins from the body. It is excellent for intuition and magic, as it connects one with the current of natural power all around us. It supports healthy communication and expression of emotions. This is a gem that brings union between the will and the heart, and once the will is harnessed in the heart space one can direct ones attention anywhere – and thus Prehnite magnifies the strength of ones broadcasting beacon. This gem reminds us of one’s personal power and at the same time invokes the use of that power in the service of love. This stone will assist in quieting the dissonance within the mind and setting ones heart on the goal of spiritual surrender. Affirmation: 'I place my personal power in the service of the heart, and my will is willing to do as the heart desires'.
This is a gem that holds the masculine aspects of the Great Earth Mother. It facilitates manifestation and action through the support of increased vitality and stamina, willpower, creativity and confidence. On a physical level, Pyrite energetically supports the blood and its ability to carry oxygen, due to the gem's high iron content. It can also help purification of the physical body facilitate proper endocrine functions. It is great for the blood and tissues of the body. As an Earth element stone, it helps grounding higher knowledge into the physical and into action. As it also holds the Fire element, it is warming and stimulating to the energy systems of the wearer. Pyrite helps one overcome fear as it provides confidence.
quartz (clear)
Clear Quartz is one of the main healing gems and has amazing energetic memory. It is used to amplify the properties of other gems with which it is combined, align the chakras and bodies (physical, mental, emotional and spiritual), providing balance, wholeness and wellbeing.
quartz (crackled/clear)
Crackled Clear Quartz is used for healing, alignment and balancing. Quartz is a gem that helps align all energy centers and thus bringing balance and wholeness, at multiple levels of being. It has amazing energetic memory and amplifies the metaphysical properties of other gem. The crackled features of the Quartz comes with the message that what is seemingly broken or shattered, actually holds a lot of light and provides beautiful reflections of what is in truth whole and complete. It gifts us the opportunity to look at things in a new light and see things as they really are, not as we imagine or expect them to be.
quartz (rose)
This gem is used to fill the cracks and open our heart to Love. Rose Quartz is a nurturing stone that connects us with a deeper sense of Love. It helps us learn to receive love, as much as to give love. We often focus on others and forget about ourselves, we are good at giving others our attention and love, but this gem facilitates channeling the unconditional love towards ourselves as well. Rose Quartz helps us strengthen ourselves, so that we can strengthen others. This gem promotes self-love, self-care, self-forgiveness, self-respect, and thus a deeper sense of contentment, knowing that the spring of Love comes from within us.
quartz (snow/white)
The Snow Quartz works similarly to the Clear Quartz, as it aligns all energy centers and bodies (physical, mental, emotional and spiritual), bringing wholeness and wellbeing. It is a potent amplifier with strong energetic memory that helps bring about balance. To clear the crystals and cleanse the Mala, put it in a window during a full moon.
This is a gem that helps one discover and develop hidden talents. It promotes compassion and love (towards self and others). It is a gem that corresponds toAnahata (heart) and Mooladhara (root) chakras. This is a stone of self-worth and aids one in perceiving one’s talents, and in using those for the highest good of all. It is a stone of learning and development, and it brings encouragement and facilitates cooperation. It is a stone that lends power, simply by providing the ability to recognize where one can utilize one’s energy (aka talents) to affect the whole. On a physical level, Rhodonite affects the flow of Chi throughout the body and helps direct the vital force to enhance one’s energy levels and vitality. It is also a stone of purification, as it helps the liver support the detoxification process. It also stimulates the endocrine system and one’s metabolism, plus it supports ones expression of energy in physical activity. In short, this gem helps one value one’s innate gifts, and to perfect them. It provides a stronger sense of self and brings clarity to one’s path.
Serpentine facilitates letting go of things that does not serve us any more. It is a stone that helps us move forward in life, relieving the past (such as previous lives as well as previous experiences within this life time) so that we can step ahead with more ease. One has to let go in order to grow... This is a stone of new beginnings and it is an excellent stone to use to let go of the old stories that may be holding us back. Serpentine assists in exploring the history of the Earth and Mother Nature, and helps one finds one’s natural place within the greater web of life. It is soothing to the emotional body, allowing one to release fear of change and hardship and reminds us to look ahead to the future with excitement. On a physical level, Serpentine supports cellular regeneration and replenishes one’s energy. Affirmation: I commit myself to manifesting the Divine potential that resides in the cells of my physical body and the vibrational pattern of my energy body, and I offer my services to healing and evolution of the whole.
Sodalite is used on for deepened intuition and enhanced insights. It is a great tool for inner journeying. It helps illuminate the subconscious and unconscious, and aids integration of ones insights and lessons learned into the now. It helps one detach from worries and concerns, reduce stress and aids one to see one's 'reality' from a higher and more serene perspective.
sunstone (peach)
This is a stone that teaches one to utilize ones skills and abilities to the highest good for all, in service to others – in a very heartfelt way. It is a stone of abundance, helping one take action and manifest ones desires on the physical plane. It is a stone that emanates the Solar Ray and attunes one to the Divine Light. It warms and stimulates the emotional body and helps one transform anger into energy, judgment into joy. It helps one to both give and receive abundant blessings. It stimulates creativity, and thus to bring forth (and stay open to) the adventures that the heart longs for.
tiger eye
This gem helps one stay balanced between extremes (physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually) and it brings discernment, vitality and strength. It corresponds the first three chakras, Mooladhara (root), Swadisthana (sacral) and Manipura (solar plexus), and helps one to stay centered and grounded, taking right action when needed, as well as staying non-judgmental. It brings mental clarity and enhances perception, boosts motivation, creativity and enlightened intention. It is a stone of balance, and a talisman for harmonious relationships. Tiger Eye is a powerful tool to move beyond duality and into the expression of the single Source. It grounds the Solar Rays into the physical plane, and thus grounds the spiritual into the physical for divine expression in each thought, word and action. On a physical level it balances the endocrine system and fortified the blood.
tiger iron
Tiger Iron is an energetically dynamic grounding stone. It anchors one's energies in alignment with the chakras and the physical body, with no dulling of consciousness. It serves for healing, and is useful for chronic dis-eases. It helps focus one's will, brings mental clarity, and stamina. It also serves one's creative expression, balancing focus and flow. It corresponds with the first three chakras; Mooladhara (Root), Swadisthana (Sacral) and Manipura (Solar Plexus). This is a gem that consists of Red Jasper, Hematite and Tiger Eye and a combination of their innate properties. It helps with manifestation by grounding energy into the physical. It provides stamina and vitality, as well as inner peace to act calmly and centered when needed to respond to life. It is beautifully grounding and strengthens one's energetic connection with Mother Gaia. It is a gem that strengthens one's energy field by attuning to the electromagnetic field of the Earth. It's iron content helps attract Light into the iron-based hemoglobin of the blood, and distributes the Light/Prana to each cell of the body.
Sadly, we are currently, and quickly, out-mining this precious gem since it has gained such popularity in healing traditions and arts for ages, plus also in fashion - so if you get your hands on some raw Turquoise, you are a lucky duck. However, what is labeled as 'Chinese Turquoise' is most often dyed Magnesite or Howlite.
Turquoise is a gemstone that facilitates the opening of all chakras. It promotes the experience of unity and the sense of oneness. It assists the absorption of nutrients, strengthens the immune system and stimulates tissue regeneration. It is a stone that has been used for healing in many traditions for ages. Turquoise further supports forgiveness, on many levels, forgiving and accepting yourself as well as others. It also facilitates the expression of our own inner truth and supports communication on many fronts. It brings trust in our own essence and helps us to communicate in alignment with this inner essence. Forgiveness, wholeness, healing and expansion are some of the key words for this gem.
'white turquoise'
There are many different views on what 'White Turquoise' really is. Many may say that there is no such thing as White Turquoise, but rather that Magnesite is often labeled as such. Magnesite, in short, stimulates Ajna chakra (third eye chakra) and Sahasrara (crown chakra), assisting the alignment with Truth and raising one's consciousness by attuning to higher frequencies. 'White Turquoise' is said to be used for wholeness, expansion, healing and forgiveness, which are the properties of the blue/green Turquoise we know as such. See info above.
“Let yourself stay open to receive the energetic support each gem can provide. By trusting the process, relaxing on all levels, you will receive the guidance from the gems. Let yourself just be held and relax into the embrace of the Divine.”