wood & seed & more
Beans and Seeds hold a lot of energy, to say the least, and they are alive - thus also a symbol for the latent life force we all hold within awaiting to pour through. They symbolize the pure potential, and the ever-present latent life force, held within each being. Beans and Seeds symbolize the potential for rebirth, in each and every situation, in each and every breath. They hold potential, as do we. This is the reason we use Beans on our malas, as a reminder to consciously stay open and receptive, to channel the Life that is constantly moving through. The Beans aim to remind the wearer of their innate potential and magical life force.
bodhi (बोधि) seed
Seeds hold a lot of energy, to say the least, and they are alive - thus also a symbol for the latent life force we all hold within awaiting to pour through. They symbolize the pure potential, and the ever-present latent life force, held within each being. Seeds symbolize the potential for rebirth, in each and every situation, in each and every breath. They hold potential, as do we. This is the reason we use Seeds on our malas, as a reminder to consciously stay open and receptive, to channel the Life that is constantly moving through. The Seeds aim to remind you of their innate potential and magical life force.
Bodhi is translated as ‘understanding of the true nature of things’, ‘enlightenment’ and ‘awakening’. Gautama Buddha sat under a Bodhi Tree, in Bodhgaya, when he dissolved into this higher awareness. Now the Mahabodhi Temple is built around this very tree.
Bone symbolizes strength and supporting the flow of prana (life current) through your
chakras, keeping them healthy and moving the energy smoothly through your energy centers. In addition, when paired with other gemstones, the bone improves the movement of the vital life force through the energy center related to the gemstone. In short, bone is used for increased flow of prana, bringing vitality and strength.
Brass has been used in spiritual and metaphysical traditions for its capacity of bringing out one's inner essence. It is a metal that facilitates the clearing of old debris and observe the essence of Truth. It is a metal that is composed of Copper and Zinc, which stimulates the flow of energy and thus improving vitality and strength. We often use Brass as divider beads and on our No Mind Mala bracelets.
'In the drop, the sea is as small as the drop; in the sea, a drop is as large as the sea.' - Hazrat Inayat Khan
We use Coral as a reminder that we are a drop of the ocean, a part of the whole and never separate from it. Coral is used to remind us of the gems found at the depths of our being, and to remind ourselves of the tides, changes, and flow of life. It is used to remind us that changes are natural to existence, and to feel trust in the perfect order of such changes and transitions. It provides the awareness that helps us stay equanimous throughout transitions in life.
cowrie shell
The Cowrie shell is an ancient African cultural and spiritual symbol, and mythologically it is seen as a gift from the ocean goddess Mote as a sign of acceptance and abundance. This sacred treasure from the ocean is also said to bring forth goddess energy, as well as represent and improve fertility. The shells also has a history of being used during childbirth to help the process. It is a shell that empowers and holds blessings from the goddess. It can also serve as a reminder of the cyclical nature of life and spirit, as it holds the message from the tides and movements of the ocean.
lava rock
Lava Rock has been through intense transformation through the exposure to extreme elemental forces, thus sharing an incredible endurance. It is also grounding and vitalizing. Lava Rock lends strength and courage, and provides stability while going through changes in one's life. The Lava Rock carries a very powerful message - that of perfect imperfections - with each and every bead appearing different and unique in both size and shape, each unique with its own scars and stories, yet beautiful - and perfect - as is. The message is to move beyond the story and appearances, to drop it all, and to dare to simply remain as we are - to just BE - perfect with all imperfections.
lotus seed
The Lotus Seed symbolizes spiritual growth and the ability to rise above obstacles on our path. Just like the Lotus flower grows and beautifully blossoms out of the muddy water - 'no mud, no lotus' - this seed helps us embrace obstacles as blessings on our path of realizing the Self. The seed is also used as a symbol for the latent life force held within each being, awaiting to come forth.
mother of pearl
Mother of Pearl is used in order to remind us of the gems found at the depths. It is also used, as is Sea Shell and Coral, to remind ourselves of the tides, changes, and flow of life. It is used to remind us that changes are natural to every being, and to feel trust in the perfect order of such changes and transitions. It provides the awareness that helps us stay equanimous throughout transitions in life. We use Mother of Pearl as a reminder that we are a drop of the ocean, a part of the whole and never separate from it.
'In the drop, the sea is as small as the drop; in the sea, a drop is as large as the sea.' - Hazrat Inayat Khan
Rosewood is traditionally used for prayer beads. This type of wood is warming, improves circulation and thus also improves physical healing and immunity. It is also used to call upon Ganesha; the remover of obstacles and he who places blessed challenges on our path, providing the necessary lessons for our evolution.
For more info on Ganesha, go HERE.
rudraksha (रुद्राक्ष) seed
The Seed is a symbol for the latent life force we all hold within awaiting to pour through. Rudraksha Seeds are traditionally used as prayer beads for energetic protection. The more we work on inner purification, the more susceptible we might become to external forces and energies which is where the Rudraksha Seed can be very supportive. The five faced (mukhi) Rudraksha Seed, most commonly used, represents Lord Shiva - symbolizing the auspiciousness of Life. The Rudraksha Seed provides inner peace, knowledge, power and awareness, and affects all chakras (energy centers) as well as stimulates the circulatory system.
Sandalwood is a wood that is traditionally used for malas. It helps to realign mind, body and spirit. It also assists grounding and to be in the present, finding spiritual purpose, clarifying the mind, and it helps through periods of fear. In India, Sandalwood is given divine status and the fragrance of this wood is said to be one of the most pleasing to the Gods and is considered calming and soothing. Sandalwood promotes humility and focuses the mind to aid in meditation, providing clarity and inner peace.
sea shell
It is used as a symbol of the tidal waves and the cyclical nature of existence and beyond. It is used to help us feel trust in the perfect order of changes and transitions, providing the awareness that helps us stay equanimous throughout transitions in life. We use it as a reminder that we are a drop of the ocean, a part of the whole and never separate from it.
'In the drop, the sea is as small as the drop; in the sea, a drop is as large as the sea.' - Hazrat Inayat Khan
Seeds and Beans hold a lot of energy, to say the least, and they are alive - thus also a symbol for the latent life force we all hold within awaiting to pour through. They symbolize the pure potential, and the ever-present latent life force, held within each being. Seeds symbolize the potential for rebirth, in each and every situation, in each and every breath. They hold potential, as do we. This is the reason we use Seeds on our malas, as a reminder to consciously stay open and receptive, to channel the Life that is constantly moving through. The Seeds aim to remind the wearer of their innate potential and magical life force.
Silver holds the energy of Lunar rays, bringing in the archetypal feminine energy, mystery and inviting introspection. It helps one go within to explore the deepest aspects of Self and Nature. It acts as a doorway to the subconscious and assists in perceiving the underlying truth. It holds strong Goddess energy and facilitates the exploration of inner realms of emotion and intuition. It can help open up ones psychic senses and brings empathy. It can assist one to surrender to the unknown, and befriend the uncertain. For those already emotionally sensitive or highly empathic, silver might be a too strong of a metal, though it is a useful metal to counteract hormone imbalance. It also has anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties, and supports the immune system.
Tulsi (aka Holy Basil) is a sacred wood that is traditionally used for worship, and is an incarnation of the Divine. Hindus regards the plant as an earthly manifestation of the goddess Tulsi, who is a great worshipper of the god Vishnu. Tulsi wood possesses physical and spiritual healing properties. It is widely used for its medicinal properties, and infuses the wearer with devotion and heart-centered love.
We use different woods for the wisdom, life force and energy of the trees which it holds. Wood is grounding and facilitates connectedness, and can be either cooling or warming depending on the wood. We use many different kinds of woods in our pieces, especially sacred Rosewood and Sandalwood, but also other kinds, such as bamboo, coconut and Ji-Chi-Mu wood. Some are mysterious kinds that we use for their unique aesthetics (and innate wisdom) but have not
identified yet.