TIGER EYE helps one to stay balanced between extremes (physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually) and it brings discernment, vitality and strength. It corresponds the first three chakras, Mooladhara (root), Swadisthana (sacral) and Manipura (solar plexus), and helps one to stay centered and grounded, taking right action when needed, as well as staying non-judgmental. It brings mental clarity and enhances perception, boosts motivation, creativity and enlightened intention. It is a stone of balance, and a talisman for harmonious relationships. Tiger Eye is a powerful tool to move beyond duality and into the expression of the single Source. It grounds the Solar Rays into the physical plane, and thus grounds the spiritual into the physical for divine expression in each thought, word and action. On a physical level it balances the endocrine system and fortified the blood.
BRASS has been used in spiritual and metaphysical traditions for its capacity of bringing out one's inner essence. It is a metal that facilitates the clearing of old debris and observe the essence of Truth. It is a metal that is composed of Copper and Zinc, which stimulates the flow of energy and thus improving vitality and strength.
CHIN MUDRA is a symbol for the individual consciousness (jivatman) bowing down, surrendering, to the supreme consciousness (Source/Truth/Divine/God/Brahman) and represents the unity with all that is. The mudra itself is a psychic-neuro energy lock which helps redirect the energy from the fingers back up into the body, which has a powerful effect on meditation. The fingers host a lot of nerve endings, and when you touch the fingers in this way (index finger/individual - to thumb/Absolute), a circuit is created to redirect the energy. It is a mudra that is often used in concentration and meditation practices.