This piece holds beautiful Onyx to enhance endurance and persistence, providing inner strength and willpower. It is a stone of self-mastery, discipline and focused attention. It is emotionally neutral and stimulates the Root, Solar Plexus and Third Eye chakras. It is also a grounding gem and connects one to the electromagnetic field of the Earth, which is its element.
This No Mind Mala also holds Moss Agate for further stability, grounding and connection with Mother Gaia.
The Mala also holds a gorgeous Kuan Yin pendant made out of Jade. Kuan Yin is an eastern goddess, a bodhisattva, who is an embodiment of purity, nurturing love and gentle power. She helps us feel compassion and mercy towards ourselves and others. Kuan Yin helps us transform harshness into gentleness by refusing to see anything but the light within each person and situation. This intention begins with the relationship to yourself. Be gentle with yourself, in all ways. Kuan Yin asks us to be happy, be kind, be sweet, but most if all, be true to you.
Place your own personal intention into your No Mind Mala and let your piece serve as a sweet reminder of your heartfelt intention.
Please contact us for more info on this piece, and for special orders. Blessings...