STRAWBERRY QUARTZ holds the energies of Clear Quartz, which is an incredibly powerful healing stone. Clear Quartz serves as an amplifier of the properties with which it is combined. Clear Quartz is also used for alignment and balancing, as it helps align all energy centers and brings balance and wholeness, at multiple levels of being. Strawberry Quartz is a gentle nurturing stone, one of universal love and purpose, as it facilitates at-one-ment with one’s essence / heart / being.
SNOW QUARTZ works similarly to the Clear Quartz, as it aligns all energy centers and bodies (physical, mental, emotional and spiritual), bringing wholeness and wellbeing. It is a potent amplifier with strong energetic memory that helps bring about balance.
BRASS has been used in spiritual and metaphysical traditions for its capacity of bringing out one's inner essence. It is a metal that facilitates the clearing of old debris and observe the essence of Truth. It is a metal that is composed of Copper and Zinc, which stimulates the flow of energy and thus improving vitality and strength.