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All No Mind Malas that are not in stock are made-to-order.
Each material is unique, your piece will not look exactly as in the image.


This piece holds Sacred Sandalwood for its calming and nurturing properties. It is a wood that is used traditionally for prayer beads, bringing insight, clarity and peace.

This Mala also holds blue and white Magnesite, which stimulates the third eye and crown chakra, and assists the alignment with higher frequencies and Truth. It is a stone that helps balance emotions and raise ones consciousness.

The Coral brings the message of the ocean, reminding us of the treasures at the depths of our being, and whispers that the cyclical nature of this life and the changes within the play are natural phenomena, just as the ebb and flow.

The Feather is used as a symbol of the wings that we all carry. So often do we find ourselves feeling 'stuck' and the feather holds the intention of bringing us back to the realization that we are all inherently free - and to use our wings!

The Bone of this particular feather improves the flow of prana, life force, and increases vitality.

The White feather - is used as a reminder of the energy of the Swan, who carries the message to surrender into the grace of the rhythm of the universe, to be at one with all plans of consciousness and to trust Great Spirit's protection. It helps us develop our intuitive abilities, and trusting our innate knowing. It tells us to relax and release resistance, to flow with ease and grace through life. It helps us accept whatever the future holds as it is presented, without trying to change Great Spirit's plan.

This piece is 18 inches with the guru bead. Blessings...

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