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This piece holds sacred Rudrasha Seeds, blue Magnesite and gorgeous faceted Clear Quartz.

The Rudrasha Seed is used as a symbol for the ever-present latent life-force held within each being, reminding you to connect with it and be receptive to it. Rudrasha Seeds are traditionally used for prayer beads, both to keep the integrity of your aura, but also to support the continuous inner journey and focus.

This No Mind Mala holds blue Magnesite, to facilitate tuning into higher frequencies and awareness. It stimulates the Ajna Chakra (third eye) and Sahasrara Chakra (crown), and assist alignment with Truth. It is a gem that can help balance emotions and raise one's consciousness.

Clear Quartz is an amazing amplifier of other gems and it helps align all chakras (energy centers) on all levels of your being (physical, mental, emotional and spiritual) - thus promoting wholeness, balance, well-being and peace. Crystal Quartz holds amazing energetic memory, so put your own affirmations into the piece and let it facilitate keeping your intent alive. This piece holds a beautiful large Crystal guru bead, calling upon purity, wholeness and inner peace.

This piece has a dark brown (vegan) suede tassel. Made with Love!

Please contact us for more details on this piece, and for special orders. Blessings...

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